Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Craig Santos Perez interviews Judith Angeles

Craig Santos Perez talks to Zion Imprints' Judith Angeles about her endeavors as a publisher, experience in writing communities, and how the intersections of the written and spoken word meet in her chapbook He Art.
CSP: This is your first self-published chapbook. Why did you decide to self-publish? What has been its rewards and challenges?

JA: I decided to self-publish because I believe in having the ultimate control over my well-being and my art. I trust in my writing that much. Poetry is my well-being.  I also am all about sovereignty and I am not willing to change to suit a certain canon or any of that other foolishness. I am not into “selling out” or remolding myself to suit a particular kind of not-me. I also decided to self-publish because I found it to be a selfless thing to do and because I am into the art of bookmaking and now digital bookmaking. I also aspire to be a publisher and to have a community based, co-op styled printing house for artists and writers to come in and be a part of a printing community that preserves its culture through storytelling and archives.

Read more at Craig Santos Perez's website.

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