Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Letras Latinas Interviews: 2009 - 2014

Letras Latinas Blog, in the coming months, will be carrying out certain gestures as a way to pause and reflect on our first ten years. That’s right: 2014 marks our ten year anniversary. I joined the ILS in the summer of 2003, but Letras Latinas didn’t begin to take shape until 2004. The first of these gestures is below: a listing of the single-author interviews we have commissioned and posted. The author interview has become, I think, our forte. What we want to do in this area, moving forward, is involve more Notre Dame students. So stay tuned as Letras Latinas Blog strives to provide, increasingly, more opportunities for our students to test out and hone their skills in literary journalism.     —FA

Letras Latinas Interviews: 2009-2014

Interviews conducted by ND MFA alum Lynda Letona (‘14):

Carlos Parada Ayala
interviewed by Lynda Letona

Felecia Catón García
interviewed by Lynda Letona

Carmen Giménez Smith
interviewed by Lynda Letona 

Celeste Gúzman Mendoza
interviewed by Lynda Letona

Raina J. León
interviewed by Lynda Letona

Sheryl Luna
interviewed by Lynda Letona

 Interviews conducted by ND MFA alum Lauro Vázquez (‘13):

Carmen Calatayud
interviewed by Lauro Vázquez

Xánath Caraza
interviewed by Lauro Vázquez

Rigoberto González (poetry), 
interviewed by Lauro Vázquez

Javier O. Huerta
interviewed by Lauro Vázquez

John Murillo
interviewed by Lauro Vázquez

Ruben Quesada
interviewed by Lauro Vázquez

José Antonio Rodríguez
interviewed by Lauro Vázquez

ire’ne lara silva (poetry), 
interviewed by Lauro Vázquez

Nefelibata: interviews with Latina writers

curated and conducted by ire’ne lara silva

elena minor
interviewed by ire’ne lara silva

Natalia Treviño
interviewed by ire’ne lara silva

Interviews conducted by guest contributors

Rosa Alcalá
interviewed by Carmen Giménez Smith

Juliana Aragón Fatula
interviewed by Adela Najarro

Blas Falconer
interviewed by Sebastian H. Páramo

Lucrecia Guerrero
interviewed by Dini Karasik

Rachel McKibbens
interviewed by Oscar Bermeo

Michael Luis Medrano
interviewed by Ashley McCaffrey

Melinda Palacio
interviewed by Adela Najarro

Emily Pérez
interviewed by Emma Trelles

ire’ne lara silva (prose), 
interviewed by Juan Luis Guzmán

Interviews conducted by ND undergraduate Roberto Cruz (‘17)

Rigoberto González (prose), 
interviewed by Roberto Cruz

Maceo Montoya
interviewed by Roberto Cruz

Ito Romo
interviewed by Roberto Cruz

Louis Villalba
interviewed by Roberto Cruz

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