Monday, May 12, 2014

PINTURA : PALABRA in MIAMI, days 2 & 3: photo gallery (& re-cap of day 1)

Day 1: May 9, 2014:
one picture
Friday night reception at Books and Books.
Photo gallery re-cap of reception
Group photo, on day 2: May 10, 2014
outside the conference room
L to R:
Rita Maria Martinez, Alexandra Lytton Regalado
Adrian Castro, Silvia Curbelo, Emma Trelles, 
Roy Guzman, Elisa Albo, Caridad Moro

Group photo on day 3: May 11, 2014
in the gallery
L to R:
Silvia Curbelo, Cardidad Moro, Francisco Aragón
Mia Leonin, Emma Trelles, Alex Lytton Regalado
Rita Maria Martinez, Roy Guzman, Elisa Albo
(missing: Adrian Castro, who couldn't be with us on Day 3)


Day 2: May 10, 2014
Discussion in the workshop

Alex, Mia, Silvia, Caridad

Elisa, Rita, and Adrian
Alex, Mia, Silvia
Elisa and Rita
Roy and Alex

At the exhibit

Elisa Albo
with "Erased Lynchings" (2006) by Ken Gonzales-Day
Caridad Moro
with "Maria's Great Expedition" (1995-96)
by Christina Fernandez
Alex Lytton Regalado
looking at "Black and Gray Toaster"(2011);
"Brown Blender" (2011) and "White Coffee Maker" (2011)
by Margarita Cabrera
Silvia Curbelo
with "Untitled, Bronx Storefront, La Rumba Supermarket"
by Emilio Sánchez
examining "El Patio de mi Casa" (1990)
by Maria Brito 
Elisa, Alex and Caridad 
gazing up at "El Chandelier" (1988)
by Pepón Osorio
photographing "Crystal City" (2009)
by Franco Mondini-Ruiz
Caridad and Elisa
standing before "Constellation" (2004)
by María Magdalena Campos-Pons
sitting between "Breakfast Tacos" 
from the series "Seven Days"
by Chuck Ramirez
and "Pure Plantainum" (2006)
by Miguel Luciano

with "Erased Lynchings" (2006) by Ken Gonzales-Day
with "The Dominican York" and Santo Trujillo is Dead"
both from the series "Many Gods (2006)
by Scherezade García
Rita, writing
Roy, writing;
standing before "Un Lugar Distante" (1972)
by Rafael Soriano
L to R:
Elisa, Emma, Alex and Rita
L to R:
Elisa, Alex, Emma 

Elisa and Roy
with various prints
and "Farm Workers' Altar" (1967)
by Emanuel Martinez


Workshopping poems

Day 3
back at the exhibit
to wind things down
and take pics with particular pieces 

Elisa and Mia
Caridad and Silvia
Francisco, Roy, and Rita
with "Untitled" from the Silueta series
by Ana Mendieta
and "Radiante" (1967)
by Olga Albizu
with "At daylight the miserable man was carried
to an oak..."
from the seriesm "Searching for California Hang Trees"
with "Blanco y Verde" (1960)
by Carmen Herrera
with "Man on Fire" (1969) by Luis Jimenez
with "El Patio de mi Casa" (1990)
by Maria Brito

with "Man on Fire" (1969) by Luis Jimenez
looks up at "El Chandelier" (1988)
by Pepón Osorio
Rita, Roy, Silvia, Mia, Elisa, Cardidad, Alex

Emma, Caridad, Elisa, Silvia, Rita, Alex, Mia

Leaving the Frost


February 14-16, 2014


"PINTURA: PALABRA, a project in ekphrasis"
is made possible, in part,
thanks to the generosity 
of the Weissberg Foundation

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