Friday, January 14, 2011

CantoMundo Fellow profiled at La Bloga

Luivette Resto

Spotlight on Luivette Resto
by Melinda Palacio

I have yet to meet Luivette Resto in person. We spoke on the telephone and I instantly knew her unique and lively name matched her persona and poetry. She seems very humble, but anyone with endorsements from Martin Espada, Helena Viramontes, and Luis J. Rodriguez deserves much attention and recognition. However, in her new role, as hostess for La Palabra at Avenue 50 Studio in Highland Park, Resto puts the spotlight on other poets. “I’m not really good with compliments,” she said, “I love to read to become a better reader. I’m totally appreciative of compliments. It’s a new concept for me to get recognized.”

Read the rest HERE

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