Thursday, May 6, 2010

Preservation (1): A Washington Post Story

The Washington Post today runs an interesting front page piece called "Your dullest details, now part of history." It's worth a look, and timely in light of Oscar's recent post here listing the Latin@ poets on Twitter, a forum I haven't really "taken the plunge" with, which may have as much to do with the fact that I  don't own a smart phone as anything else. As it is, I've been lagging at providing what I'll call any "content" at this blog, beyond a link and announcement now and then, such as recently conveying, officially, that Diana Marie Delgado, is the 2010 Letras Latinas Residency Fellow, or before that, announcing that Emma Trelles is the winner of the fourth edition of the Andrés Montoya Poetry Prize.

And yet the article today in the Post, beyond what it has to say about Twitter, does bring up a subject I've become increasingly interested in (since joining the ILS in '03) and that is the notion of preservation: that is, preserving for posterity or, as the Post says, future historians and researchers, what might be deemed important or interesting "documentation" that will help the future tell the story of the present. In the case of Letras Latinas, the story (or backstory for that matter) of the circumstances of our literature. For my time-frame (since one can't do everything), say, between the early 1990s until....well, whenever.

I have more to say on this, but the day job calls. But I'll be breaking my Twitter dry spell in a few moments, and hope at some point, to get a proper tutorial on how Twitter really works!

Meanwhile, read the story in the Post and consider how it might relate to some of the discussions unfolding on some of the blogs, Facebook pages, or Twitter feeds that interest you.

1 comment:

bjanepr said...

hey francisco, given harriet's recent changeover to a newsfeed format, there's been a lot of talk about what we're doing online. do we want to direct traffic, or do we want to engage in conversations about poetics, community, etc. (in other words, generate 'content.')

on the pawa blog, i feel like i direct traffic via links to other places. for some blogs, that's the primary function.

as for twitter, i'm still unconvinced of its usefulness. there's simply not enough space for me to say anything noteworthy there, except to point to the pawa blog, my blog, other discussions happening elsewhere. i.e. directing traffic again.

as for FB, i am not on board with any format that is not completely open to all. i see discussions happening in these not open spaces as forwarding coterie over growing community.

so in terms of what is archived or preserved for the future - archiving our noise for others to look back on will give a good snapshot of our current cultural and social behaviors and priorities.