Tuesday, January 26, 2010

ALARCON on LEAL: January 26, 2010


para Don Luis Leal

como saguaro
gigante con brazos
apuntando al cielo

dando sombra
y acobijo a la flora
y fauna del desierto

como águila
azteca atisbando
desde las alturas

con ojo sagaz
los floricantos
de todo Aztlán

como Prometeo
que robó el fuego
de la sapiencia

académica para
compartirla libre
con los de abajo

como caudaloso
río que rompió
barreras nacionales

y nuevos cauces
a la conciencia
universal marcó

* * * * *

como puente vivo
extendido entre
dos centurias

puerta siempre
abierta al saber
y la comprensión

como corrido
norteño nacido en
Linares, Nuevo León

que aún después
de más de cien años
nunca tendrá fin

como jarra
de agua fresca
de jamaica o limón

tu risa y cuentos
tus comentarios
en solidaridad

como libro
de cabecera
tu vida ejemplar

eres intelectual
maestro de toda
una generación

* * * * *

como Ulises
chicano vencedor
de la ignorancia

y el atropello–
explorador de islas
de la imaginación

como profeta
un nuevo Sol

la Tierra Prometida
para tu pueblo
en esta nación

como águila y sol
puente, libro, río
puerta, jarra, mar–

llorando tu muerte
celebramos tu vida
de luz y plenitud

y tu nombre
ahora invocamos
a los cuatro vientos

al Este, Norte, Oeste, Sur
por tu alegría y sabiduría
tu ejemplaridad y fecundidad…

por Francisco X. Alarcón
26 de enero de 2009

Francisco X. Alarcón–Chicano poet and educator who was a student of Don Luis Leal when he was a Visiting Professor at Stanford University in the early 1980’s. Francisco currently teaches at the University of California, Davis.

* * * * *
Professor Luis Leal is one of the most outstanding scholars of Mexican, Latin American, and Chicano literatures and the dean of Mexican American intellectuals in the United States. He was one of the first senior scholars to recognise the viability and importance of Chicano literature, and, through his perceptive literary criticism, helped to legitimise it as a worthy field of study. His contributions to humanistic learning have brought him many honours, including Mexico's Aguila Azteca and the United States' National Humanities Medal.

In a book, LUIS LEAL: AN AUTO/BIOGRAPHY, edited by Professor Mario T. García, that was a “testimonio” or oral history, Don Luis Leal reflected upon his early life in Mexico, his intellectual formation at Northwestern University and the University of Chicago, and his work and publications as a scholar at the University of Illinois and the University of California, Santa Barbara. Through insightful questions, Mario García draws out the connections between literature and history that have been a primary focus of Leal's work. He also elicits Leal's assessment of many of the prominent writers he has known and studied, including Mariano Azuela, William Faulkner, Octavio Paz, Carlos Fuentes, Juan Rulfo, Gabriel García Márquez, Jorge Luis Borges, Tomás Rivera, Rolando Hinojosa, Rudolfo Anaya, Elena Poniatowska, Sandra Cisneros, Richard Rodriguez, and Ana Castillo. Mario T. García is Professor of History and Chicano Studies at the University of California, Santa Barbara.


fjalarcon said...

Estimado Francisco: Thank you very much for posting the poem in LETRAS LATINAS. Abrazos, Francisco Alarcon

fjalarcon said...

Estimado Francisco: Thank you very much for posting the poem in LETRAS LATINAS. Abrazos, Francisco Alarcon