Thursday, August 20, 2009

FIRST LINES: A selection from My Kill Adore Him

by Paul Martínez Pompa

I play it chingon in full length
Lissette opens me with her fingers.
With Popsicles shoved down your pants
Me & Z walking the block when a cop shoots
When I was ten, my older sister walked in on us---me, the dog, the
She taught me to wipe
The air is like gunmetal
the bus fills & empties like an aluminum lung. what he says
July smothers the city like a drunk
Your feet are a slow train

To the medics he is nothing
All night the plows pummeled the streets
i am searching for a way. to fall
I didn't get past security
your poem wind
The body as weapon, as inspiration
Not only have I disappointed the high school Spanish teacher
Are your images inefficient? Is your diction bland? Are you tired of
Maybe Zo was hung like a six-ten stallion
Damn these stacks of argyle I can't have
That Lucia broke the machine twice in one week was evidence


Yes, I'm holding Paul's book in my hands.

Yes, you can order it



The Andrés Montoya Poetry Prize

Next deadline: January 15, 2010

Final Judge: Silvia Curbelo

More info. soon


bjanepr said...

Hi Francisco, excellent news and some really good lines here. Can't wait to read it!

Francisco Aragón said...

Thanks, Barbara. I'll be sending you a review copy as soon as I get back to DC. On the road at the moment.